
Cannabis And The Law

Legalize and regulate cannabis 

The new law takes a public health approach to the legalization of cannabis.

The new law will help: 

  • better prevent young people from accessing cannabis 
  • eliminated the illegal cannabis trade 
  • protect public health and safety through cannabis product quality and safety requirements 


The Cannabis Act will allow adults to grow 4 cannabis plants per home (not per person). Provinces and territories have the option to impose additional restrictions on private crops. There are recommended safety and security measures for growing plants that should be considered, such as storage and adequate ventilation. 


Cannabis, like many other drugs, reduces the reaction time of drivers and increases the risk of being involved in a collision. If a police officer finds that a driver is impaired by drugs, including cannabis, the driver may be subject to criminal charges, including: 

  • Immediate Termination of Rights 
  • Financial restrictions 
  • Cars can be impounded 
  • Possible criminal record 

A prison sentence is possible. No one may sell or give cannabis to a person under the age of 18. The Act creates 2 new offenses, which carry a minimum penalty of 14 years in prison, for: 

  • give or sell to cannabis growers 
  • to do evil with a young man 

Similar to current restrictions on tobacco product advertising, Cannabis laws help discourage cannabis among youth by prohibiting: 

  • products that appeal to young people 
  • package or label cannabis in a way that makes it attractive to young people 
  • selling cannabis through self-service displays or vending machines 
  • promote cannabis, except in special cases where young people cannot see the promotion 
  • Penalties for violating these bans include fines of up to $5 million or three years in prison.