
Cannabis Curing

When the buds are ready to bear fruit, the work of the planter is not over. Cannabis flowers still need to go through the drying and maturation process to ensure the best final product. Proper cleaning and curing improve the smell and taste of the buds, and the effect seems to be stronger. This also reduces the intensity of the smoke. If you start with great genetics and take good care of your cannabis plants throughout their life, then curing is what makes the difference between “all good” and mature plants. limit. And although you can’t cure a well-grown tree, you can damage a well-grown tree, so it’s important to get it right. 

Why do we cure cannabis?

In a broad sense, the curing of cannabis is no different than the curing of meat, other plants, or any other food. It is a storage process that aims to make the final product stable over time. Fresh cannabis flowers are perishable like any other perishable product, so they must be dried and cured before being placed in a storage container. 

But while food processing often involves different tools, ingredients and processes, the processing of cannabis is a simple process that only involves carefully and gradually removing the liquid, and allow the sugars and chlorophyll (which tastes good when smoked) to break down before eating which is important for the shelf life and quality of the final product. In this way, the cannabis flower achieves the desired condition, removes the unpleasant smell of freshly cut grass that is often found in new buds and produces a mild taste and aroma special taste. 

When the growers dry them, they hang the cannabis branches over the front or on the drying rack, until the outer buds are dry and the small stems will break when you use them. bow down to them. When it’s time to heal the buds, they are cut from the branches and put in a bag. Both methods require a cool, dark environment for best results, and careful attention helps growers produce consistent crops.

Why is it important to care for cannabis plants? Curing is an important step in ensuring the stability of cannabis flowers, but it is also important for many other reasons: 

  • Proper cleaning and curing of buds helps to increase the life of cannabis. When cared for with patience and care, the buds can last a year or more without losing their flavor or strength, since they are not easy to produce, making the weed Smoke and making customers have a fun and fair experience. 
  • Cure improves the smell and taste of cannabis by promoting the destruction of the products in the buds after their first harvest, because they still contain sugars and starches that the plant stores for growth. After harvest, the plant begins to decompose as enzymes and aerobic bacteria break down these sugars and starches. Cannabis processing forces the plant to consume the remaining sugars, starches and nutrients before they have time to dry out and fall into the plant. The presence of these lost sugars and minerals is the cause of the burning sensation in the throat, which is visible when smoking cannabis that has not been properly labeled. 
  • Growers who cure their cannabis well produce smokey, sweeter and more flavorful flowers. Terpenes give the smell and the sweet taste, but these molecules are not strong, because they can break down and wash away easily. The good preservation of terpenes during the drying process makes the unique smell and taste of cannabis shine. While many consumers are still looking for the highest levels of THC available, experts looking for premium products know that terpenes are king.
  • Also, during the initial drying and curing process, the molecular composition of the buds will continue to change. In fact, cannabinoid synthesis (the process of creating these compounds) continues even after harvesting. And when the weed is taken care of properly, these cannabinoids can be produced well before being suspended in this state. For example, when fresh cannabis flowers are stored in heat and humidity, the non-psychoactive cannabinoids will continue to change to THCA, an acidic precursor to the psychoactive THC, increasing concentration. the top of the product. cannabinoid, helps not only. preserves the vigor of the plant but increases it, which is a great advantage if you have invested time and money in breeding good genetics.